A third-party website republishing web-based material is known as content syndication. Any type of digital information, including blog entries, articles, infographics, videos, and more, can be syndicated. Consider it a trade-like agreement. The independent website receives pertinent, free content. The author of the article benefits from free publicity, backlinks to their website, and exposure, all of which increase their organic traffic.
In the media, syndication is nothing new. Before the internet, widely read newspapers and magazines occasionally published syndicated content created by smaller publications and independent authors. They both gained. The little player gained access to a much larger audience and, perhaps, some degree of notoriety; the big publisher received additional content without having to spend money on its creation.
Recycling is all the rage. Why should content be any different?
It's essentially the same story in the internet age. By syndicating it, you may "recycle" your online material. Syndication can help you promote your material online, increase traffic to your website, reach a larger audience, and hopefully convert some of those visitors into customers if done correctly. In fact, 65% of B2B marketers use content syndication as a key lead generation strategy, according to a 2017 survey by Salesbox.
What does content syndication have to do with SEO?
Duplicate content is what is syndicated. And your SEO may suffer as a result.
Google dislikes having numerous copies of the same material when determining SEO rankings. It will only index one, and it will probably select the version that is found on a bigger, busier website. Typically, a third-party website would be that for content creators.
Gaining awareness through content syndication is useless if it results in decreased organic website traffic.
But don't worry, by making sure it is correctly indexed on both your site and the site of your syndication partner, you can make your syndicated content SEO-friendly.

3 Tips for Great Content Syndication
• Find relevant partners
Make sure your content is included on well-known, high-ranking websites that appeal to your target audience if you're going to republish it. Reach out to possible syndication partners after doing some research on them. They'll probably be intrigued if your content fits their interests.
• Work out the best way to syndicate
A whole article or blog post should occasionally be syndicated to a different website. In some cases, it's preferable to syndicate only the headline along with a link to your website. Everything is dependent on the website, the target market, and the kind of material. Incorporate links to your landing page or website whenever available and relevant, and even better, include a call to action to boost conversions.
• Plan ahead
Like other marketing efforts, content syndication will be most successful if you're following a well-thought-out plan. Great content is the basis of any successful approach. Next, set your company objectives, find syndication partners who are a good fit, develop persuasive pitches, and construct a short- and long-term content syndication plan.