
The importance of SEO

8 FEB 2023

The majority of you have probably heard the phrase SEO spoken in connection with digital marketing, online enterprises, or internet circles in general. You'd be astonished to learn how few individuals comprehend what those three letters mean, preferring instead to merely remember them.

If it describes you, we've got you covered, and if you've never heard the expression before, you're in luck. You will learn everything you need to know in this essay to implement a successful SEO (search engine optimization) plan. We'll talk about:

  • What SEO is and why it’s more important than ever.

  • The basics of an SEO strategy (keywords, metadata, and link-building, technical components).

  • Eight specific tactics that will set you up for SEO success based on SEO trends.

RELATED :The Top 10 SEO Trends to Drive More Traffic in 2023
What every SEO strategy must have

In essence, SEO is the process of employing specific guidelines for high-quality content and technology advancements to increase your website's traffic and rankings on search engine results pages (search engine results pages). Additionally, quantity is crucial. Scaling, which is pretty much what it sounds like, is a terrific technique to rank higher over time by creating more content, using more links, and using a wider variety of keywords.

1. Keyword targeting

The ranks of your website are heavily influenced by keywords, which are phrases that people frequently look for on search engines like Google, Bing, etc. If you use the proper number of keywords in the right places, your pages will eventually move up the leaderboards.

Over time, keyword strategy has evolved significantly. In the past, it was simply a matter of stuffing as much information as you could into a site, but this led to spammy content that caused Google's algorithms to penalise the site. Nowadays, it's important to conduct keyword research, employ a wide range of terms, and integrate them naturally. Google will make you work for it as it becomes increasingly intelligent.

2. Metadata

Metadata can be compared to your storefront. The first two items a user sees in the SERP, your meta title and meta description, determine whether or not they click.

Additionally, Google uses "crawlers"—imagine little robot spiders—to scan webpages and gather data related to search queries. Including keywords in your metadata (including header tags and picture tags) will help Google recognize the relevancy of your content more quickly.

3. Backlinks

As we get into the more technical aspects of things, obtaining backlinks is another essential element in SEO effectiveness. This occurs when a blog post or article on another website links to yours. This not only helps you increase your domain authority, but it also directly increases the likelihood that visitors will click through to your website if it appears on other trustworthy domains.

Writing interesting content is all it takes to gain organic links; the better your work and the more closely you match a user's search intent, the more probable it is that people in your field will mention your site. While you can simply contact other websites to trade links—quid pro quo—this general process is known as link-building, several different actions can help speed it up:

  • Guest blogging.

  • Testimonials.

  • Answering questions on sites like Quora.

  • Creating shareable content such as videos and infographics.

  • Using industry contacts and sharing on social (e.g. LinkedIn).

4. Technical SEO

Continuing from there, there are several other technical issues at the back end of your site that, if fixed, can significantly impact your overall SEO performance. In the end, it will be difficult for any visitor to perform anything meaningful on your website if the UX isn't intuitive and easy to use. Given that more than 50% of all online traffic is mobile, technological details like UX are important.

All of these technical SEO tips can be extremely helpful when it comes to securing those higher rankings, whether it's making sure that sites load quickly, eliminating "toxic" backlinks (links to websites that are deemed irrelevant or untrustworthy, etc.), or creating a clear XML sitemap with a clean URL structure. Nothing should prevent SEO from completing its job, which is enabling users to locate your website naturally.

Are you making SEO mistakes? Get a free SEO audit with the LOCALiQ website grader!

5. SEO metrics

If you don't understand what "effective" implies, you can't perform SEO effectively! To assess, evaluate, and enhance your SEO strategy, you must have a solid understanding of SEO metrics.

Why are organic traffic and SEO important?

When it comes to digital marketing, organic search techniques powered by SEO are unrivalled in terms of durability and cost efficiency. SEO is more affordable than sponsored advertising, and its results last longer as well. While PPC campaigns require renewal and bidding prices change, SEO tracking tools employ organic data to construct keyword lists and keep coming up with new content ideas as you delve deeper.

SEO might, admittedly, first seem like a slow burn. However, after a few months, you may start to notice significant improvements in your overall traffic and rankings. Additionally, the longer you stick with it, the more authority and backlinks your site gains, allowing you to target even more competitive and superior keywords, etc.

Targeting long-tail keywords and more specialised versions, particularly when it comes to content and specific sub-topics is even starting at the other end of the spectrum and is a great way for SMBs to see results early and create a platform for momentum. More than one-third of all Google searches contain four or more words (i.e. long-tail keywords). In addition to being less competitive and hence simpler to rank for, these keywords can nonetheless provide a significant amount of cumulative organic traffic.